
Master Planning

Source: FKP Architects, Inc.
Our experience in master planning ranges from major published master plan documents to simpler updates of previously prepared plans. Whether it's a full-blown site plan or simply a rearrangement of hospital departments to implement a strategic plan through expansion, renovation or the addition of services, our master plans are designed to be implemented and to work. FKP has provided master planning and zoning services for a number of clients where we have continued to work with the same client through several generations of projects.
Master planning includes evaluating the site the client's role and program, immediate and long-range needs, identifying growth zones, studying circulation patterns (people and vehicular) and departmental relationships, and organizing the site in terms of hospital function, public access, service areas, emergency, etc. Our experience in master planning ranges from major published master plan documents to simpler updates of previously prepared plans. Whether it's a full-blown site plan or simply a rearrangement of hospital departments to implement a strategic plan through expansion, renovation or the addition of services, our master plans are designed to be implemented and to work.