
Keyboarding Made Easy® (keyboard learning and teaching software)

Keyboarding Made Easy® (keyboard learning and teaching software)
Keyboarding Made Easy,® self-contained on CD or 3.5" diskettes, is structured for middle school, high school and college students, adult education programs, and home study.
  • Is easy, fast, fun, and self-motivating.
Keyboarding Made Easy,® self-contained on CD or 3.5" diskettes, is structured for middle school, high school and college students, adult education programs, and home study.
  • Is easy, fast, fun, and self-motivating. Students actually enjoy it and experience no boredom or frustration while they learn.
  • Produces results at a very low cost. Once the curriculum is in operation, there are no recurring costs for special materials.
  • Improves concentration skills.
  • Eliminates teacher drudgery in teaching the keyboard.
  • Assures the same quality of instructions to every student or class.
  • Self-paced -- permits ease of makeup time by students who have been absent. Students can pick up exactly where their last lesson left off, repeat a lesson, or progress through lessons at their own speed.
Keyboarding Made Easy® consists of 51 forty-five minute lessons presented in three parts.

Part 1 teaches the alphabetic keyboard and basic techniques for keyboarding and develops speed to 12-14 words a minute. The home-position keys are taught in Lesson 1. Two additional keys are taught each day until all twenty-six alphabetic keys, capitalization, period and comma are taught.

A keyboard chart is displayed on the computer screen showing the keys that have been presented in previous lessons plus the two new keys for the current lesson. As the student keyboards, his or her work appears on the screen under the keyboard chart. Reinforcement drills follow each lesson as a review of all keys presented in previous lessons. Student progress is measured at the end of each lesson.

Here is a screen shot of Part 1, Lesson 1...

Part 2 is designed to increase keyboarding speed from 12 to 45 words a minute by using a programmed pacing method. Student progress is measured at the end of each lesson. One-minute timings are at the end of each lesson beginning with Lesson 5 and continue through lesson 18 for students to measure their speed with accuracy as they move through the program. Gross words with errors are computed and shown at the end of each timing.

Here is a screen shot of Part 2, Lesson 1...

Part 3 is a continuation of Part 2. Speed is increased to 75 words a minute as the difficulty of copy (stroke intensity and syllabic intensity) gradually increases. The one-minute timings at the end of each lesson contain material of average and above-average difficulty. The three- and five-minute timings provide practice on paragraph indentation and wordwrap.

Here is a screen shot of Part 3, Lesson 1...

Learning/Teaching keyboarding in Microsoft Windows using individualized instruction enables students to advance at their own rate, develop superior keyboarding techniques, and develop speed in a shorter period of time over conventional methods. The program motivates students to enjoy learning to keyboard. It also enables the teacher, in a classroom environment, to spend more time helping each student.

Try it out!
The demo is free and can be downloaded now!