Regional Florida University Data Center Gives High Marks To SANRAD V-Switch
Case Study: Northwest Regional Data Center
Northwest Regional Data Center (NWRDC) Relies on SANRAD to Ensure Data Replication Reliability for Multi-State Disaster Recovery Solution
With a growing number of customers and the increasing volumes of data to protect, NWRDC found that it was facing a mounting disaster recovery risk. The organization was storing 130 TB of customer data on archive tapes which can be prone to damage or physical loss. These archive tapes were manually transported to an offsite location for storage. Yet, as the data from NWRDC core IBM mainframe continued to grow, this manual offsite storage process was becoming cumbersome and difficult to manage. An automated offsite disaster recovery solution is what the data center required to ensure disaster readiness while retaining critical data online.
As a data center that operates on a cost-recovery basis, it was important that the new solution be cost-effective, from acquisition through to long-term management. The new disaster recovery solution also needed to allow dynamic scalability so the data center could be certain that it would support future growth and new technologies down the road.
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